Children’s Ministry
Attention parents of birth through kindergarten children:
Please sign your child in and out each Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night at the Welcome desk and receive/return your pager. For the safety and security of your child, we require that a least one parent be on campus whenever their preschooler is at church. Our nursery is staffed by trained volunteers from our church body who work on a rotating schedule.
Sunday School and Morning Worship
Sunday School classes are available for Nursery, Preschool, and Children at 9:30 am.
Preschoolers (birth through 3 years old) may stay for Extended Session during the Worship Service.
Sunday Evenings
Awana meets on Sunday Night from 5pm to 7pm. Ages 2 through 6th grade.
Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a proven approach for evangelizing and discipling kids in the church and community.